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Unveiling Male Pattern Baldness: What You Need to Know

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

Are you noticing more hair in the shower drain or a receding hairline in the mirror? You might be experiencing male pattern baldness, the most common type of hair loss in men.

In this blog, we'll unravel the mysteries of male pattern baldness, exploring what it is, recognising its signs, and addressing the burning question – can it be cured?

SMP for Male Pattern Baldness at Taania Wood Micropigmentation

Understanding Male Pattern Baldness: The Basics

Male pattern baldness, scientifically known as androgenetic alopecia, is the most common cause of hair loss in men.

This genetic hair loss condition is thought to be caused by oversensitive hair follicles that react to a by-product of the hormone testosterone, known as DHT.

Statistics: The Scope of Male Pattern Baldness in the UK

Hair loss affects approx. 6.5 million men in the UK, with around 85% affected by the age of 50 (that’s 1 in 2!). It typically starts around the late twenties / early thirties, but for some, it starts as early as their teens through to their mid-20s.

For many, losing their hair is just an accepted part of the ageing process. However, for many more, hair loss has a significant impact on their mental health and well-being, affecting their confidence and making them very self-conscious of their changing physical appearance.

This emphasises the importance of understanding the condition and exploring available solutions.

Signs to Watch Out For: Could it be Male Pattern Baldness?

Receding Hairline: One of the initial signs is a receding hairline, forming an 'M' shape.

Thinning Crown: Hair at the crown and temples gradually becomes thinner, eventually leading to partial or complete baldness.

Increased Hair Shedding: You might notice more hair than usual in your comb or shower drain.

Progressive Pattern: Male pattern baldness often follows a predictable progression, moving from mild to advanced stages over time, including complete baldness.

Closing Thoughts: Taking Control of Your Hair Health

Male pattern baldness is a natural and common part of aging for many men, yet according to reports, only 11% of men visit a professional when they first start experiencing hair loss.

Remember, you're not alone, and there are resources and solutions available to support you on your path to hair health.

When it comes to the health of your hair, seeking professional advice is irreplaceable. If you notice signs of thinning hair or experience excessive hair loss, consult with a professional trichologist – the sooner you do, the sooner you can explore treatment options.

In my next blog, I'll explore common solutions for hair loss, including which treatments I offer that will enhance your confidence and self-esteem.

Stay tuned for a journey toward a more vibrant and resilient you

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